Prayer Schedules
BOL believes that the power of prayer lives can be revived our communities will be restored and our nations can be transformed. Thereby, people can live peacefully amongst each other. We are our brother's keeper.

Midweek Prayer
Come Join Us!
Prayer is every Wednesday Night
Call 508-924-2580

Individual Prayer
Prayer is the foundation of BOL Ministry. Perhaps, take time during the day to talk with your Abba Father. Giving him thanks and praise for who He is and what He has done.
Psalms 119vs105
My word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.

BOL encourages, motivates, and inspires people to walk in The Truth of who God purposed them to be. By assisting, families within our communities with supportive services that will address, the concerns of women, single parents, and individuals with the knowledge, wisdom, and tools to thrive in society. Providing opportunities to engage in public awareness on issues that impact our communities through forums, speaking engagements, and support groups. While assisting families with resources for housing, food, and supportive services.
How Can
Beacon of Light Ministry
Assist You Today?
We value kindness, respect, dignity and trust at Beacon of Light Ministry. BOL supports women and people with a holistic approach to connect people with resources and services.
​Community Outreach​
Financial Assistance for families
Individual Supportive Services
Housing Information Referral Services
Wednesday Night Prayer Line 7pm-8pm